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Elijah (Eel-Eye) Avenue Boss


Eel-Eye is Ecocentric & believes that art from trash

is the loftiest form of art.

They* believe in their 5 R's:

Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Repurpose, Recycle

Eli's purpose in life is to work on their* 3 H's:

trying to be Healthy, Happy & Helpful

Eli is an independent licensed massage therapist working out of the Studio 34 yoga studio.


Eli made costumes for Donna Oblongata's OZ and the original "Paradise Park Zoo" by Savannah Reich

and also has enjoyed creating & performing with Medium Theatre Company / Morgan Andrews FitzPatrick

Eli organized the annual Bicycle Art Benefit Auction (BABA), art made from scrap to benefit Philly's Earthship and NBW.


Eli & Gina Fontana were the bluesy duo Daisy Pickers.  Then Eli and Marina created the futuristic 80s queer bedroom dance pop band, the Snu Snu Dolls. Then Eli Avenue was the manager and musician for the queer feminist jazzy punk folk band Glitter Crush with Haydn Williams.


They* volunteered for years as a bicycle mechanic

at the DIY co-op, Bike Church.

Do you want to put your art on this website? Do you want to receive email updates about my work and shows?  Email me:

*Eli prefers gender-neutral pronouns.

Their official gender on their drivers license is X.


            Elijah (Eel-Eye) Avenue Boss
Eel-Eye, is a dabbler in many genres:  theatre artist, photographer, filmmaker, tailor, dancer, musician and biologist.  Eli loves failure and reinventing the wheel & doing things the slow hard way by hand.

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