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Eli Avenue has been a short film-maker since they met the grandmother of French new wave cinema Agnes Varda. Eel-eye is inspired especially by Varda's film "The Gleaners & I" about trash pickers.

Please visit Eli Avenue's Youtube for many more films.

Polycules Unveiled (2018 compilation)


Eli Avenue started a series of interviews with people practicing polyamory in 2018.  The goals of this project are:

1)  To help people who are considering being polyamorous to learn more.

2)  To help monogamous people understand and increase acceptance of polyamory as a healthy and normal relationship style, even if not for everyone.

Please see Eli's YouTube channel to watch the full individual interviews. 

New interviews are always in production.

Aired at Sloppy Fest

Year of production: 2018

Running Time: 15:28 min

Gender Learning (Cork Screw Love)


Featuring a cover of the Knife by Marina Ramona / the Snu Snu Dolls.

Aired at Sloppy Fest

Year of production: 2017

Running Time: 4:03 min

the Fruit of Joint Reflection


Featuring music by Bailey of the Snu Snu Dolls.

Year of production: 2017

Running Time: 2:56 min

a Brief Flare of Happiness(Zach's Dialysis)


My best friend Zach Cone (Conezy) performing his nightly dialysis,

required due to his kidney disease.

Song/ chant is Modeh Ani performed by Isabella Freedman farm.

Year of production: 2017

Running Time: 3:21 min

Teacher B's Future-tastic Space Van

Come aboard the wacky mobile classroom with genderless alien misfits Wendy, Chacko & Fritz as they ride their off-grid magical shrinking classroom bus and are taught a lesson in tear gas by the peerless, fearless Teacher B.  


by Grace Mumby, Matt Horowitz, Jacob Mauer & Eli Avenue


performed at the ShoeBox Short Theatre Festival at the Venice Island Performing Art Center in Manayunk, Philadelphia

Year of production: 2017

Running Time: 11:01 min

Other People's Houses

Silverton music video


A great song about couch surfing.


Year of production: 2014

Running Time: 3:54 min

Phone Song

Silverton music video


Warning :  This has been officially dubbed too twee/saccharine.  

                Not for diabetics.


Year of production: 2014

Running Time: 3:08 min



One winter, Zach and I decided to do something random and incongruous every time it snowed, just to be uncomfortable. Here are the results.


This film has had the honor of playing at Fun-a-Day, Night Kitchen and at Sloppy Film Fest.


Original music by Tom Deis.


Year of production: 2014

Running Time: 4:20 min

Polite Dance Song


Gina Fontana playing all the parts for this cover by the Bird and the Bee for her Fun-a-Day project 2016.


The original:


Year of production: 2016

Running Time: 4:07 min

Infinity is Long

C.elegans dance video.


Video by the Larval Lethals:  Hasreet Gill of the Sundaram lab and Elicia Preston of the Murray lab.  We used John Murray's microscope and a microscopic C.elegans larval stage worm with a long mutation.


Song "Playgirl" by Ladytron


Year of production: 2013

Running Time: 3:52 min


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